If you have always wanted to journal, need a kick start, or just want to hang out and play with me, come on in.

I'm a mixed media artist who has kept written and drawn journals ever since I can remember and I love to share my passion
for this transformative practice with others. We'll explore a variety of mixed media techniques, respond to writing prompts
and combine the two during the daily video and written instructions.

Follow the day by day lesson plans or work at your own speed; the class is arranged to fit your schedule.

If you've never made your own journal before I'll urge you to make one with simple instructions for the long stitch book
and I'll show you a number of ways to approach an original cover design; one of my favorite parts.

Then we'll delve into various ways to paint and embellish our pages as we explore the concept of the book as an art form,
psychological journey, playground and secret keeper.

I've divided the information into weekly sessions below to show you what is included.
It is a beautiful resource that you will refer to again and again for mixed media and journaling inspiration.

size & style considerations
pens and art supplies
making the long stitch journal - (optional activity)
cover options
page backgrounds
list exercise
beautiful paper
daily writing prompts

rubber stamps
india ink and sumi
transfers: gel, heat, tape, inkjet, contact paper
transparencies, tissue and film
crackle exercise
secret pockets
foam blocks, monoprinting
daily writing prompts

tissue images
gold foil and embossing powders
gel pens
tar gel
carbon paper project
home made misters
black ground exercise
daily writing prompts

keeping secrets secret
face exercise
hand exercise
water soluable media
staying on track with goals and dreams
daily writing prompts

Price discounted because we're home and bored during the pandemic. This will keep us busy!

If you have any problem with the PayPal button, you can mail the funds directly from your PayPal account
(where it says "send money") to judywise@canby.com

Once registered you will receive a confirmation response.
Please email me at judywise@canby.com if you have not received it within a day.