Air-Pot Grown



From Tree Amigos

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Order Form #15 Trees

Order Form Aircell Trees





The following Airpot Grown  SuperTrees™ are available as #15 (16”X16”).   SuperTrees™ are specially grown with a superior root system in a custom, retail Airpot.


The following Aircell Grown  SuperTrees™ are available.   Grown from seed, cuttings, or tissue culture directly into 3”X6” or 4”X6” Aircells.



SuperTree #15 List of Varieties

SuperTree #5 List of Varieties

Abies concolor

Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’  #5

Acer freemani ‘Autumn Blaze’

Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’ #5

Acer ginnala ‘Flame’

Acer palmatum ‘Skeeters Broom’ #5

Acer platanoides ‘Conzam’

Acer palmatum ‘Seiryu’  #5

Acer platanoides ‘Columnare’

Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’ #5

Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’

Acer palmatum ‘Tamukeyama’  #5

Acer platanoides ‘Crimson Sentry’


Acer platanoides ‘Emerald Queen’

SuperTree Aircell List of Varieties

Acer platanoides ‘Royal Red’


Acer rubra ‘Franksred’ (Red Sunset)

Acer buergerianum

Acer rubra 'October Glory'

Acer grandidentatum

Acer truncatum ‘Norwegian Sunset’

Acer griseum

Acer truncatum ‘Pacific Sunset’

Acer palmatum

Amelanchier 'Autumn Brilliance'

Acer palmatum atropurpureum

Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'

Acer freemanii ‘Armstrong’

Carpinus betulus ‘Frans Fontaine’

Acer freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’

Celtis occidentalis

Acer freemanii ‘Sienna Glen’

Cercidiphyllum japonicium

Acer rubrum ‘Autumn Flame’

Cercis canadensis

Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’

Crataegus crus-galli ‘Inermis’

Acer rubrum ‘Sun Valley’

Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet'

Albizia julibrissin ‘E.H. Wilson’

Crataegus phaenopyrum

Amelanchier ‘Autumn Brilliance’

Franklinia alatamaha

Betula nigra 'Cully'

Fraxinus americana ‘Autumn Purple’

Betula nigra ‘Dura Heat’

Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Patmore'

Cercis canadensis

Ginkgo biloba

Chionanthus retusus

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Skyline’

Clerodendron trichotomum

Koelreuteria paniculata

Fagus sylvatica Atropunicea

Liquidambar straciflua

Hamamelis vernalis

Malus ‘Spring Snow’ Dwarf

Magnolia kobus

Malus floribunda

Magnolia virginiana ‘Moonglow’

Malus ‘Klehm’s Imp Bechtel’

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Malus ‘Lollipop’ M111

Nyssa sylvatica

Malus ‘Robinson’

Oxydendrum arboreum

Malus ‘Sargent Tina’ M111

Parrotia persica

Nyssa sylvatica

Populus tremuloides

Picea pungens

Prunus incam Okame

Pinus nigra

Prunus serrulata ‘Mt Fuji’

Platanus acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’

Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’

Populus tremuloides ‘Erecta’

Prunus virginiana ‘Schubert’

Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius'

Quercus bicolor

Prunus cerasifera ‘Thundercloud’

Quercus coccinea

Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’

Quercus garryana

Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ Dwarf (Gisela)

Quercus macrocarpa

Prunus serrulata ‘Mt. Fuji’

Quercus macrocarpa X gambelii

Prunus ‘Snow Fountains’

Quercus robur fastigiata

Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’

Quercus robur X turbinella

Pterostyrax hispida

Quercus rubra

Pyrus calleryana ‘Aristocrat’

Stewartia pseudocamellia

Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’

Styrax obassia

Pyrus calleryana ‘Cleveland Select’

Syringa reticulate ‘Ivory Silk’

Pyrus calleryana ‘Redspire’

Ulmus ‘Frontier’

Quercus bicolor


Quercus macrocarpa


Quercus palustrus


Quercus robur fastigiata


Quercus robur ‘Crimson Spire’


Quercus robur 'Skyrocket'


Quercus rubra


Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Purple Robe’


Sequoiadendron giganteum ‘Pendula’


Stewartia pseudocamelia


Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk'


Tilia americana ‘Redmond’


Tilia cordata ‘Corinthian’


Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’


Ulmus ‘Frontier’


Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase'


Zelkova serrata ‘Village Green’










Botanical Name

Common Name


Abies concolor


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Concolor White Fir

Conifer, evergreen, 30-50 ft, conical and branched to base.  Leaves bluish green  uniform color.  Sun.  Best in deep, rich, moist, well-drained soil, poor on heavy clay. Withstands heat, drought, and cold.  Zone 3

Acer buergerianum


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Trident Maple

Deciduous tree, 20-35+ ft  high, oval to rounded outline.  Attractive small patio, lawn, or street tree. Dark green leaves. Changing to yellow, orange, red in the fall.  Prefers well-drained acid soil.  Drought resistant. Zone 5

Acer freemanii ‘Armstrong’


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Armstrong Maple

Deciduous tree, upright, narrow, 50-70 ft tall and 15 ft wide.  Bark silver gray.  Leaves 5-lobed, rather deeply cut.  Zone 4

Acer freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’


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Autumn Blaze Maple

Deciduous tree, ascending branches, dense, broad oval habit, fast growing, 50 ft tall and 40 ft wide.  Leaves deep green, 5-lobed, similar to Silver Maple, bright red fall color, long lasting. Zone 3

Acer freemanii ‘Sienna Glen’


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Sienna Glen Maple

Broad oval shape 50’ height, consistent uniformity; ideal for boulevard applications. Fast growing, but resistant to wind breakage. Adaptable to a variety of site conditions. Rich green summer foliage; orange-red fall color.  Zone 3

Acer ginnala ‘Flame’


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Flame Amur Maple

Develops a broadly vased to rounded growth habit 15-20’ at maturity. Flame is noted for its striking immature red fruits in mid-summer, and superior red-orange fall color. Zone 3

Acer grandidentatum


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Bigtooth Maple

Survives in very dry sites once established and tolerant of alkaline soils. Beautiful orange-red fall color. Medium sized tree.  Seed source is from central Utah.  Zone 4

Acer griseum


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Paperbark Maple

Deciduous tree, 20-30 ft,  upright, oval, very attractive copper-red bark, exfoliates, paper-like.  Leaves trifoliate (3 leaflets)  Fall color may range from green, red-brown, to a striking red.  Sun to part shade.  Adaptable to varied soils, prefers well-drained and moist soils.  Zone 4 

Acer palmatum


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Japanese Maple

Deciduous tree, 15-25 ft, multi-trunked, variable forms.   Leaves simple, lance-ovate to lance-oblong in shape, doubly serrate, color varies.  Sun to part shade, well-drained soil; protect from winds. Zone 5

Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’


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Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Upright, vase shaped, small graceful tree 15-20’.  The new leaves are bright red changing to dark purple-red throughout the season.  Zone 5

Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’


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Crimson Queen Weeping Japanese Maple

Excellent dissectum Maple with red foliage and cascading branches. Retains red color well in summer, Scarlet fall color.  Zone 5

Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’


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Sango Kaku Japanese Maple

Rounded tree, 20 to 25’ height,, 15-20’ width, Width: 15 to 20’, yellow gold fall color.  Coral red winter bark.  Zone 5

Acer palmatum ‘Seiryu’ 


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Sieryu Japanese Maple

An upright form of the dissectum maples 11-15’ height. Foliage is a pleasing bright green during summer, and range through gold, light yellow and crimson in autumn.  Zone 5

Acer palmatum ‘Skeeters Broom’


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Skeeters Broom Japanese Maple

A dwarf broom selection of Bloodgood to 6’ height. The leaves are a nice bright red when opening in spring and later turn a purple red in the summer heat. It holds this color well and has a nice narrow, compact, upright form. Good for bonsai or containers.  Zone 5

Acer palmatum ‘Tamukeyama’ 


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Tamukeyama Weeping Japanese Maple

Tamukeyama is able to hold its burgundy color through hot, humid summers, and resist scorching better than most other red laceleaf cultivars. It is also quite vigorous, with long, cascading branches, reaching 8' if staked, smaller otherwise. Zone 5

Acer palmatum atropurpureum


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Red Japanese Maple

Similar to Acer palmatum except that the leaves are reddish purple.

Acer platanoides ‘Conzam’


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Conquest Maple

A sport of Crimson King Maple 30-35’ height, 8’ width with a tight, narrow columnar form that maintains a dense, compact branching structure as it matures.  Attractive rich maroon-red spring foliage lightening to a deep green as the season progresses. It has bright red fall color. Zone 4

Acer platanoides ‘Crimson Sentry’


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Crimson Sentry Maple

This tree differs from Crimson King by having a very tight, upright shape, 30’X12’. Slower growing, making it ideal for narrow streets and small yards.  Zone 4

Acer platanoides ‘Royal Red’


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Royal Red Maple

A slower growing deep maroon-purple form 40-50’ height with a slightly more intense color than 'Crimson King' and less prone to frost cracks.  Zone 4

Acer platanoides 'Columnar'


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Columnar Norway Maple

Deciduous tree, Wide columnar habit 40-50' high, 15-20' wide.  Zone 3

Acer platanoides 'Crimson King'


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Crimson King Maple

Deciduous tree, 50-60 ft with purple-red leaf (maroon) for most of the growing season.  Sun.  Probably the most vigorous of red-leafed forms.  Zone 4

Acer platanoides 'Emerald Queen'


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Emerald Queen Maple

Deciduous tree, 50-60 ft, a strong grower with a uniform oval crown. Consistently has the best yellow fall color of the Norway maple cultivars.  Zone 3

Acer rubrum ‘Autumn Flame’


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Autumn Flame Maple

Selected for its excellent scarlet fall color that occurs two weeks earlier than the species. It is also one of the more cold hardy forms and is seedless.  Rounded, 40-60’ tall.  Zone 3

Acer rubrum ‘Sun Valley’


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Sun Valley Maple

Deciduous tree, 40-60 ft in height with a symmetrical ovate crown.  Released by the USDA US National Arboretum in 1994. This tree is a cross between 'Red Sunset' and 'Autumn Flame'. It is male with brilliant red Autumn color.  Zone 5

Acer rubrum 'Franksred'


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Red Sunset Maple

Deciduous tree with red-orange fall color in September, defoliating and becoming dormant before most other shade trees, with bark that is smooth and a very light silvery-gray in youth, maturing at 50' tall by 35' wide.  Zone 4

Acer rubrum 'October Glory'


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October Glory Maple

Deciduous tree that actually holds its dark green foliage throughout October and becomes crimson red in early to mid-November, being one of the last shade trees to exhibit fall color; maturing at 50' tall by 35' wide.  Zone 4

Acer truncatum ‘Norwegian Sunset’


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Norwegian Sunset Maple

An upright oval tree 30’X25’ with a uniform canopy and growth similar to Norway Maple. It has orange red to red fall color.  Zone 4

Acer truncatum ‘Pacific Sunset’


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Pacific Sunset Maple

Upright, spreading tree 30’X25’ with very glossy dark green summer foliage that changes to bright red in the fall.  Zone 4

Acer x freemanii 'Autumn Blaze'


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Autumn Blaze Maple

Deciduous tree, ascending branches, dense, broad oval habit, fast growing, 50 ft tall and 40 ft (12 m) wide.  Leaves deep green, 5-lobed, bright red fall color, long lasting.  Sun. Zone 3 

Albizia julibrissin ‘E.H. Wilson’


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Hardy Silk Tree

A small deciduous tree growing to 30’ tall, with a broad crown of level or arching branches. This variety of the Silk Tree has dense fluffy clusters of bright-pink flowers and is more cold hardy.  Zone 4

Amelanchier 'Autumn Brilliance'


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Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

Deciduous small tree, 15-25 ft, white flowers in spring.  Adaptable. Full sun to partial shade.  Selected for vivid red-orange fall color.  Zone 4

Betula nigra ‘Dura Heat’


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Dura Heat River Birch

A superior river birch to 40’ tall having small lustrous dark green leaves, which hold on the tree late into the fall. It has creamy-white exfoliating bark and an upright oval habit. It will tolerate hot dry conditions in the summer. Zone 5

Betula nigra 'Cully'


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Heritage Birch

Oval tree to 50’ with tan to creamy white bark. Its foliage is dark green turning golden in the fall. It is highly resistant to bronze birch borer.  Zone 3

Carpinus betulus ‘Frans Fontaine’


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Franz Fontaine Hornbeam

A more narrow and compact form than the pyramidal hornbeam with a 10-15’ spread.  Zone 5

Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'


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Pyramidal Hornbeam

Deciduous tree, 30-50 ft, initially columnar but soon becoming oval-vase shaped.  Leaves evenly distributed, has a sheared look.  Zone 4

Celtis occidentalis


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Common Hackberry

Deciduous tree, 40-60 ft tall, similar spread, ascending arching branches, some drooping branches.  Sun, prefers rich, moist, soils but grows in dry, heavy or sandy soils. Withstands alkaline or acid soils, wind, heat and urban conditions. Zone 3

Cercidiphyllum japonicium


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Katsura Tree

Deciduous tree, 40-60 ft high, pyramidal when young.  Leaves purplish when unfolding, then finally bluish-green, are rounded, heart-shaped, apricot-orange color in fall.   Sun, but probably best in light shade.  Grows best in moist well-drained soil. Zone 4 

Cercis canadensis


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Eastern Redbud

Deciduous tree, 20-30 ft, spreading, ascending branches, flattish top.  Leaves heart-shaped, dark green color.  Small rosy-pink flowers in spring before leaves appear.  Sun to part shade.  Does well in many soil types, except permanently wet.  Zone  4

Chionanthus retusus


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Chinese Fringe Tree

A spreading tree 15-25’ with rounded habit, with a showy carpet of pure white blooms in May – June.  The fruit, bark and foliage are very attractive but the fruit is only produced on female plants.  With few pest and disease problems.  Zone 6

Clerodendron trichotomum


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Harlequin glorybower

A small tree to 10’ with white fragrant flowers in panicles in August to September. Blue berries circled by a red calyx that lasts all winter long.  Zone 6

Crataegus crus-galli ‘Inermis’


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Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn

An excellent small tree 15’X20’ with a widespreading plant form. It has 2-3" clusters of white flowers in spring. Fruit are a bright red, produced in masses and provide excellent color in late summer and early fall. Foliage is dark green and very glossy.  Thornless.  Zone 4

Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet'


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Paul’s Scarlet Hawthorn

Deciduous tree, 15-20 ft, low branching, rounded top, dense thorny branches.  Leaves glossy green, rounded 3-5 lobed of variable size.  Flowers double, scarlet with tinge of rose, very showy.  Sun. Zone 4 

Crataegus phaenopyrum


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Washington Hawthorn

Deciduous tree, 15-30 ft, rounded, dense, delicate slender branches, thorny.   Leaves 3-5 lobed, sharply serrate, reddish purple when unfolding changing to a lustrous dark green, fall color orange to scarlet.   White flowers with pink anthers, blooms profusely.  The last hawthorn to flower.  Bright red glossy fruit persisting all winter.  Sun, protect from wind. Zone 3 

Fagus sylvatica Atropunicea


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Purple European Beech

A large tree that grows into a wide oval, 70 to 80 feet tall and spreads 50 to 70 feet. Leaves emerge deep purple and fade somewhat to a purple-green during the summer. Branches normally sweep the ground in a graceful fashion.  Zone 4

Franklinia alatamaha


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Franklin Tree

Deciduous tree, 10-12 ft, upright spreading, open base. Good fall (red) color.  Flowers are white with yellow centers, blooms from mid-summer into late fall.  Sun to part shade.  Requires moist, acid, well-drained soil supplied with ample organic matter.  Zone 5

Fraxinus americana ‘Autumn Purple’


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Autumn Purple Ash

Deciduous tree, 50-80 ft high, similar spread, maintains a central leader in youth.   Seedless, rounded habit, dark green leaves, fall color deep purple to mahogany.  Sun.  Growth may be best in deep, moist, well-drained soil. Zone 4

Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Patmore'


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Patmore Ash

Deciduous tree, 50-60 ft tall × 40 ft wide, pyramidal in youth, developing a spreading habit at maturity.  Seedless, upright branching, symmetrical, oval crown, leaves glossy dark green, very winter hardy.  Sun.  Grows nearly anywhere.  Zone 3

Ginkgo biloba


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Deciduous tree, 50+ ft, usually pyramidal, excurrent, but variable. Leaves fan-shaped.  Dioecious.  Sun. Prefers sandy, deep, moderately moist soil.  Zone 3 

Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Skyline’


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Skyline Honeylocust

Deciduous tree, 50-60 ft, open, spreading crown, produces light airy shade.   A seedless, thornless cultivar with a strong central leader and good branching structure. Bright golden-yellow fall color.  Very adaptable. Tolerates poor dry soils. Full sun.  Zone 3

Hamamelis vernalis


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Vernal witchhazel

A small tree 6-10’ with yellow, orange, red fragrant flowers in winter to early spring.  Zone 4

Koelreuteria paniculata


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Goldenrain Tree

Deciduous tree, 25-35ft, rounded outline, spreading and ascending branches, open, reddish copper-colored foliage in spring.  Flower is yellow in clusters.  Blooms in summer.  Sun.  Tough and adaptable.  Zone 5 

Liquidambar straciflua


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Sweet Gum

Deciduous tree, 60-75+ ft, pyramidal to oblong crown.  Variable fall color, yellow, purple, or red. Zone 5

Magnolia kobus


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Kobus Magnolia

Deciduous tree/shrub, 30-40 ft, often multi-stemmed.  Leaves dark green above and lighter below.  Flowers are white, slightly fragrant.  Sun or partial shade.  Not sensitive to soil type. Zone 5

Magnolia virginiana Moonglow


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Moonglow Magnolia

Broadleaf evergreen, tree/shrub, 15-20 ft high, nearly equal spread, often multi-stemmed, loose, open, may form a large pyramidal tree.   Leaves lustrous dark green above, grayish bloom below.  The flowers appear in late spring to early fall as beautiful, creamy white, water-lily shaped, lemon-scented, 2-3” in diameter blooms.  Sun to part shade.  Does well in wet swampy areas, requires acid soil, tolerates some shade and wind.  Zone 5 

Malus ‘Klehm’s Imp Bechtel’


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Klehm’s Bechtel Crabapple

Bright double fragrant flowers produce sparse amounts of small green fruit.  Green leaves change to orange in the fall.  Rounded growth form. (20' tall x 18' wide)  Zone 4

Malus ‘Lollipop’ M111


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Lollipop Crabapple

Grafted at 3’ on a semi-dwarf standard.  Attractive red buds, opening to white fragrant flowers in late May. Very decorative globular shaped to 6’ height with miniature golden fruits.  Zone 4

Malus ‘Robinson’


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Robinson Flowering Crabapple

Grows rapidly and upright to 25’. It is able to withstand colder climates, is disease resistant, and provides excellent fall color. Deep pink flowers with purple/green foliage.  Zone 4

Malus ‘Sargent Tina’ M111


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Tina Dwarf Crabapple

Grafted at 3’ on a semi-dwarf standard.  Showy pinky white blooms in spring and little red fruits in the fall. Disease resistant crab. Compact to 5’.  Zone 4

Malus ‘Spring Snow’ Dwarf


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Spring Snow Crabapple

On a dwarf rootstock to about 12’ tall. The tree is completely covered with white flowers in the spring, but does not set any fruit. It also has good tolerance to heat. Zone 4

Malus floribunda


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Japanese Flowering Crabapple

To 20’ with red buds that open to pale pink flowers which mature white.  Good disease resistance to scab and powdery mildew. Zone 4

Metasequoia glyptostroboides


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Dawn Redwood

A deciduous conifer known from fossils and assumed long-extinct before it was discovered growing in the wild in the 1940s. A tall, symmetrical tree with a straight and slim truck, upswept branches to 110 feet.  Zone 6

Nyssa sylvatica


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Black Tupelo

Deciduous tree, 30-50 ft, pyramidal to irregular rounded, variable.  Prefers moist, well-drained, acid soils. Does not tolerate high pH. Shelter from wind.  Zone 3 

Oxydendrum arboreum


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Deciduous tree, 25-30 ft, pyramidal.   Flowers/fruit on droopy panicles which persist after leaf drop.  May show good fall color, yellow, red, and purple.  Sun to part shade, acid peaty soil, needs summer moisture.  Zone 5

Parrotia persica


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A deciduous, slow-growing tree grows 40 feet high with smooth gray, flaking bark, and rich-crimson, yellow and orange autumn color.  Zone 5

Picea pungens 


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Colorado Spruce

Conifer, evergreen tree, 30-60 ft tall, dense, narrow to broad pyramid, stiff horizontal branches to the ground, formal in outline. Needles spreading more or less all around the stem, more crowded above, stiff, stout, very prickly, Sun. Prefers rich, moist soil, but very adaptable. More drought tolerant than other spruces.  Zone 2

Picea pungens glauca 


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Colorado Blue Spruce

Similar to Picea pungens except that the foliage is bluish-green.

Pinus nigra


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Austrian Pine

Conifer, evergreen tree, 50-60 ft, densely pyramidal when young.  Sun.  Prefers moist soil with good drainage, but adaptable. Zone 4

Platanus acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’


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Bloodgood Planetree

Deciduous tree, 70-100 ft, open, spreading with age.  Bark exfoliates and is cream, olive, light brown.  Sun or light shade.  Prefers deep, rich, moist, well-drained soil, but will grow in about anything.  Zone 4 

Populus tremuloides


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Quaking Aspen

Fast growing tree with narrow oval to pyramidal habit and smooth, pale bark. Light green, rounded leaves tremble in the slightest breeze. Reaches 30'x15'. Zone 3.

Populus tremuloides ‘Erecta’


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Swedish Columnar Aspen

Vigorously growing, very hardy variety with compact, columnar habit. Shiny green toothed leaves and unusual twisted branches. Beautiful yellow fall color. Mature height of 40' x 7'. Zone 3

Prunus ‘Snow Fountains’


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An ideal tree for small yards or Japanese gardens. Cascading branches are covered with snow white flowers in spring. Grows to about 12’ with 6’ spread.  Zone 5

Prunus cerasifera ‘Thundercloud’


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Thundercloud Flowering Plum

Holds its dark purple color all summer and is one of the earliest trees to bloom in the spring with light pink flowers.  Grows to about 20’. Zone 4

Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius'


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Vesuvius Flowering Plum

Deciduous tree, small, 15-20 ft, similar width, upright, flowers light pink, dark purplish foliage.  Any average soil, well-drained. Prune after flowering to keep trees vigorous.  Zone 5 

Prunus incam Okame


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Okame Flowering Cherry

Deciduous tree, small, to 20-30 ft tall, open habit.  Leaves glossy green; bronze-orange to red in fall.  Flowers appear early, long before the leaves, they are small but profuse, petals fuchsia-pink, calyx rose-red.  Sun.  Zone 6 

Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’


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Kwanzan Flowering Cherry

Deciduous tree, 20-25 ft, upright, branches stiffly ascending, spreading.  Leaves may turn orange-bronze in fall.  Flowers deep pink, double in pendulous clusters, blooms abundantly.  Zone 5

Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ Dwarf (Gisela)


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Grafted on Gisela 5 rootstock for a very precocious tree about half size. Vase shaped to 12’ with showy and profuse double flowers. The young foliage comes out reddish and turns to dark green. Zone 5

Prunus serrulata ‘Mt Fuji’


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Mt. Fuji Flowering Cherry

Graceful spreading and flat topped shape to 20’ with fragrant large double white flowers.  Zone 5

Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’


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Canada Red Chokecherry

Deciduous tree, to 20-25 ft tall, oval to rounded crown, straight trunk.  Leaves are green at first then becoming dark purple. Sun or partial shade. Zone 2

Pterostyrax hispida


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Fragrant Epaulette Tree

Rarely grown, deciduous tree to 30 ft, spreading branches, rounded, open crown; bark gray, shredding on stems, becoming corky and furrowed.  Flowers in axillary pendulous clusters, fragrant, cream-white, bloom in early summer (May-June).  Sun for best flowering, well-drained soil, prefers acid soil.  Zone 4 

Pyrus calleryana ‘Aristocrat’


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Aristocrat Flowering Pear

Deciduous tree, 30-40 ft.  Upright conical.  Leaves are narrow, glossy, purple-red to orange fall color.  Flowers white, borne in clusters.  Sun.  Very adaptable to many different soils; tolerates drying and pollution.  Zone 4

Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’


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Chanticleer Flowering Pear

Deciduous tree, 30-40 ft.  Upright, narrow columnar form, reddish fall color.  Flowers white, borne in clusters.  Zone 4

Pyrus calleryana ‘Cleveland Select’


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Cleveland Select Flowering Pear

A narrow pyramidal ornamental pear. Dense white flowers in early spring. Reaches a height of 30 feet. Strong branch structure resists ice and wind damage. Excellent for street tree planting - great red fall color. Zone 4

Pyrus calleryana ‘Redspire’


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Redspire Flowering Pear

Deciduous tree, 30-40 ft.  Pyramidal form, symmetrical, formal, fall color yellow to red.  Flowers white, borne in clusters.  Zone 4

Quercus bicolor


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Swamp White Oak

Deciduous tree, to 75 ft tall, pyramidal when young, open crown, rounded.   Leaves glossy green above, gray or almost white and pubescent below.  Sun to part shade, best in moist, well-drained, acid soils, reportedly has some tolerance to drought and urban conditions. Zone 4

Quercus coccinea


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Scarlet Oak

Deciduous tree, 70-80 ft, pyramidal, horizontal branches, leaves glossy green above and paler below, scarlet or red in fall.  Generally found on dry, sandy soils. Good lawn and street tree. Zone 4

Quercus garryana


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Oregon White Oak

Deciduous tree, 40-80 ft, broad spreading, rugged, heavy ascending branches, often shrubby when young.  Leaves dark green.  Sun, likes dry soil in summer.  Zone 6 

Quercus macrocarpa


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Bur Oak

Deciduous tree, 70-80 ft height, similar or greater spread, developing into an oval form with a massive trunk and stout branches.  Bark dark gray to gray-brown, becoming deep ridged and furrowed.  Very adaptable to various soil conditions and fairly tolerant of urban conditions. Zone 3

Quercus macrocarpa X gambelii


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Bur-Gambel Oak

A hybrid that tends to have a dense branching habit and a central leader, is faster growing than gambelii and easier to transplant. Zone 4

Quercus palustrus


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Pin Oak

Deciduous tree, 60-75 ft, excurrent, pyramidal, descending lower branches.   Many leaves hang on all winter.  Sun, shallow root system so easily transplanted.  Will tolerate wet soils, but is best in rich, acid, well-drained soil.  One of the fastest growing oaks.  Zone 4

Quercus robur ‘Crimson Spire’


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Crimson Spire Oak

A columnar, tightly fastigiate hybrid of English and White Oak. Dark green to bluish green mildew resistant foliage and reddish fall color. This columnar, tightly fastigiate tree grows to a height of about 45 feet and spread of 15 feet. Zone 5

Quercus robur fastigiata


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Columnar English Oak

Deciduous tree, 40-60 ft, very upright, columnar, opens with age.  Sun, prefers well drained soil, pH tolerant. May hold brown leaves well into winter. Zone 4 

Quercus robur 'Skyrocket'


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Skyrocket Oak

Narrow cultivar of Columnar English Oak

Quercus robur X turbinella


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English-Shrub Live Oak

A hybrid with holly-like leaves.  Zone 5

Quercus rubra


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Red Oak

Deciduous tree, 60-75 ft, rounded, ascending, massive branches.  Leaves fall color from yellow-brown to russet-red.  Sun.  Best in sandy loam soils which are well drained and on the acid side.  Withstands polluted air.  Fairly fast growing.   Zone 4  

Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Purple Robe’


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Purple Robe Locust

Deciduous tree, 30-50 ft tall, ascending, open.  Described as thornless.  Leaves bronze- red at first then bronze-green in summer.  Flowers large, dark rose-pink.  Sun.  Drought tolerant. Zone 3 

Sequoiadendron giganteum ‘Pendula’


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Weeping Sequoia

A tall, narrow pillar, only 3 ft wide, may lean, short, pendulous branches, mane-like.  May develop a "grotesque shape" to some eyes, but to others "very interesting".  Zone 6

Stewartia pseudocamelia


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Japanese Stewartia

Deciduous tree, 20-40 ft, pyramidal to oval.  Bark, flaky but smooth underneath, red-gray.  Fall color variable, from yellow to red to reddish-purple.  Flowers appear in early to mid-summer, white, camellia-like.  Best in light shade, at least in hottest part of summer. Prefers moist, cool, humus-rich, slightly acid soil, with good drainage. Zone 5

Styrax obassia


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Fragrant Styrax

A small tree about 20’ tall with fragrant, white flowers on 4 to 8" drooping racemes in late spring.  Zone 5

Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk'


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Ivory Silk Tree Lilac

Deciduous shrub or small tree, stiff spreading branches, 20-25 ft high with a rounded crown. Flowers are creamy white, fragrant, arranged in dense, terminal clusters.   Blooms later than most other species of lilac.  Attractive reddish-brown bark.  Sun.  More or less trouble free. Zone 3

Tilia americana ‘Redmond’


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Redmond Linden

Deciduous tree, 50-60 ft, densely pyramidal and symmetrical habit.  Large leaves are glossy dark green above, paler and glabrous beneath, fall color is yellow green.  Sun. Tolerates pollution and hot, dry conditions. Zone 4

Tilia cordata ‘Corinthian’


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Corinthian Linden

A formal compact pyramidal tree with a strong leader to 45’ with 15’ spread. It has thick lustrous dark green foliage and a uniform growth habit. Zone 3

Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’


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Greenspire Linden

Deciduous tree, 60-70 ft tall with a narrow dense head.  The leaves are small and heart shape turning yellow in the fall. Spicy, fragrant, pale yellow flowers. Tolerates pollution.  Zone 4

Ulmus ‘Frontier’


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Frontier Elm

This hybrid elm shows good resistance to Dutch elm disease, elm yellows, and moderate resistance to elm leaf beetle.  Broad oval to 40’ with red-purple fall color.  Zone 5

Zelkova serrata ‘Village Green’


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Village Green Zelkova

A vigorous grower to 40’ with a straight trunk and graceful vase shaped habit. Highly resistant to Dutch Elm disease and leaf eating beetles. Zone 4

Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase'


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Green Vase Zelkova

Deciduous tree, 50 ft tall and 40 ft wide, vase shaped with upright arching branches, orange fall color.   Bark smooth-gray initially.  Leaves similar to a small-leaved elm. Prefers moist, deep soil, pH adaptable; once established, wind and drought tolerant.  Relatively slow growing.  Zone 5